Central Europe

We support the Chamber of Commerce (IHK) initiative “Pack ma’s digital,” to further aid Upper Bavaria’s economy in digitalization.
Under the motto “Pack ma’s digital”, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Munich and Upper Bavaria is working with IT companies and digital experts to support small and medium-sized companies in their digital transformation. The focus is on building up digital knowledge, providing impetus for digitalization and networking with other companies and experts.
Launched in 2017 under the patronage of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and with five major digital companies as founding partners, the initiative has grown significantly since then. This can also be seen in the many, primarily regional supporters with digital expertise who, together with the IHK, want to contribute to providing practical suggestions for digitalization.
https://www.ihk-muenchen.de/de/pack-mas-digital/: Partners
Greenware has been developing software for the gardening and landscaping sector in German-speaking countries since 1990. The products mainly cover the areas of pricing and quotation, invoicing, cost accounting, controlling and resource management. Despite their original focus on the needs of landscaping companies, they are increasingly being used in other sectors as well.
Through close contact and constant exchange with companies and users, Greenware has developed into a driving force for the digitalisation of the “green sector”.
Cooperation and activities in associations and specialist groups are part of Greenware’s self-image. In this way, it contributes to the networking of gardening and landscaping with strong partners, guarantees the high practical benefit of its products and is a pioneer for digital innovation, individualisation, and integration in the industry.
https://www.greenware.de/: Partners
Founded in 2010 Wertebündnis Bayern is a real success story. Meanwhile the network consists of more than 220 organizations from various sectors of society, including teachers’ and parents’ associations, churches, experts in the fields of science, the economy, politics and the media. In 2015 the foundation Wertebündnis Bayern was established by the Free State of Bavaria to support the work of the partner organizations and offer young people insights in common projects into those values that are relevant for functional democratic societies.
https://www.wertebuendnis-bayern.de/: Partners
PwC advises groups and family-owned companies, industrial and service companies, global players and local heroes, the public sector, associations and NGOs. Because they are able to rely on us, we are the leading auditing and consultancy company in Germany. And because more than 11,000 specialists with around 600 partners at 21 locations in Germany are working every day to ensure that this trust is justified.
The services provided by PwC to its clients are spread over three divisions: Audit and audit-related services (Assurance), tax and legal advice (Tax & Legal) as well as deals and consulting (Advisory). The experts in the respective divisions work together to enable comprehensive and long-term assistance to be provided to clients – whereby we of course comply strictly with the legal requirements when we provide advice as well as auditing services to a company. Our work would be inconceivable without integrity, objectivity and a professional approach.
https://www.pwc.de/: Partners
The BVMW is a politically independent association which caters for all commercial branches and professions, and represents the interests of small and medium-sized businesses in politics, with administrative authorities, with trade unions and with major companies. Together with our alliance of more than 30 partner associations, we represent more than 900.000 voices.
The BVMW manages a network of representative offices in more then 35 countries. Moreover our association co-operates with many national partner associations throughout the world and has agreements with numerous associations. Within these co-operations the BVMW has an extensive and fruitful exchange of knowledge concerning common projects and regularly organizes international conferences on various topics dealing with foreign affairs.
https://www.bvmw.de/de/: Partners
You need to move quickly, but you also need long-term strategies to help ensure your business can cope with the demands placed on it today and tomorrow. Is the right infrastructure in place? Do you have the necessary processes, systems and controls to help safeguard against risk? Our Advisory practice supports businesses as they restructure and expand, whether organically or by acquisition. We help them to become more efficient and provide support as they adapt to demanding regulatory environments. KPMG in Germany has built its Advisory practice around three core specialisms to deliver experience in Consulting & Deal Advisory.
Our Advisory practice works with clients to tackle challenges in Transactions & Restructuring, Risk & Compliance and Performace & Technology. We combine the specialist skills of professionals working in member firms around the world to provide objective advice and execution to help preserve and enhance value.
https://kpmg.com/xx/en.html: Partners
U-KNOW is an AI-driven platform that enables users to interact with their data as effortlessly as having a conversation. By integrating large language models (LLMs) with users’ existing databases, U-KNOW’s Retrieval-Augmented Generation system allows for seamless, secure, and fully automated data management.
U-KNOW helps digitize and automate processes and bring together the many sources of data so that they can be used optimally in compliance with data protection and data security regulations and in conjunction with artificial intelligence.
https://www.u-know.ai/: PartnersSCANDINAVIA

7N is a consultancy firm founded and based in Denmark with nearly 20 years of experience in the IT market. All 7N consultants offer a combined bag of technical skills, soft skills and proven relevant enterprise class experience, which has established 7N as the leading agent for top 3% IT specialists. 7N has capabilities within IT development, business & IT alignment and IT infrastructure and operation. With offices in 7 countries, offshore centres in Poland & India and 800+ consultants on contract, 7N delivered more than 1.2 million consultant hours in 2015.
https://www.7n.com/: Partners
Pro4u is a Swedish consultancy firm specializing in complex strategy and implementation projects. Last year Pro4u had a turnover of 157 MSEK of which about 60 % is from strategy and project management consulting and 40% architect and technology assignments. Pro4u has 120 consultants working in projects in many industries like, banking, insurance, finance, health and public services and energy. Ulf H Lidman, Pro4u ValueMiner Coach, helps clients to model their strategy and investments using the ValueMiner methodology and tool.
https://www.pro4u.se/: Partners
Aumento is a Norwegian company that provides quality advice, solving problems by looking at the bigger picture and wider contexts. We are challenging, bold and at the same time, responsible. We think about long-term effects and always consider the client’s needs. These range from questions about digitalisation, cloud management and the implemen-tation of operating systems to questions on process improvements, strategy, business models and profitability assessments. Our consultants have more than 25 years experience in business consultation, and we can help you to find the best solutions for your individual enterprise. Aumento is Italian and means “growth”. And it is exactly that which we help your business to do – grow.
https://www.wertebuendnis-bayern.de/: Partners