Sustainable Development Goals & Business: Save, Perform and Grow

In September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets to be achieved by 2030. This progressive agenda, known as “the 2030 Agenda,” represents a unique moment in history, where the global community is collectively confronting the most pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges of our time.

Everyone in every country is called to action: policymakers, civil society, and especially business. Companies of all sizes have in fact a critical role to play not only as a driver of innovation and technology, but also as an engine of economic growth and employment.


Why are SDGs relevant for business?

For companies, the successful implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is not just about doing good. It is a strategic decision that could open up new markets and strengthen the overall business environment around the world. Much like a business strategy begins with an aspiration, every Sustainable Development Goal starts as a vision for a better world. Formulating these visions is a crucial first step on the path to a sustainable future.

Gen Z is teaching us that well: companies lacking robust sustainability initiatives or failing to align their strategies and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) statements with SDGs may face increased scrutiny from stakeholders and employees alike. These companies risk losing access to capital and emerging market opportunities as investors and customers increasingly opt for businesses that prioritize sustainability.

On the flip side, companies that align their strategies with SDGs could unlock significant opportunities.

According to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, business solutions in sync with the Sustainable Development Goals could unlock at least 12 trillion dollars per year by 2030. Not only that, but full participation in these initiatives could create over 300 million new jobs and offer improved support to the communities these businesses operate in.

In short, the cost of inaction towards achieving the SDGs could far outweigh the effort required to embrace them. Businesses have a lot to gain by taking these global goals to heart – and a lot to lose if they don’t.

Virtual city: large symbols for social governance and environment


How do companies embed SDGs into corporate strategies?

So, businesses, like dreamers, are tasked with turning their visions into tangible reality. It is the awakening: it´s time for decisive action and through implementation. This crucial step involves embracing change, adapting business models, innovating processes, and influencing mindsets.

Companies drive change through their core activities. Integrating sustainability has the potential to transform all aspects of company’s core business, including its product and service offering, customer segments, supply chain management, choice and use of raw materials, transport and distribution networks and product end-of-life.

How does technology prove useful to businesses to reach SDGs?

As businesses stride towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), leveraging innovative technology can streamline and optimize the journey towards sustainability.

At ValueMiner, we are like your dream catcher, designed to filter out bad dreams and only allow good ones to pass. Basta to lenghty manual work, chaotic spreedsheets, nor time-consuming complexity. Our AI-powered, bespoke software platform acts as your loyal partner in ensuring you stay focused on your goals and transforming your sustainability goals into tangible outcomes.

Our platform merges strategic planning with practical execution, facilitating a seamless integration of sustainability into your business model. You select the SDGs that align with your corporate vision, define your priorities, set objectives, and effortlessly align these with your unique business strategy – simply at the touch of a button.

ValueMiner ensures both internal and external transparency. Our customizable dashboard delivers a comprehensive, real-time overview of the status and progress of each of your projects. Moreover, ValueMiner’s hyper-automated solutions allows you to generate detailed Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) balance sheets and reports in mere seconds.

After all, grandmas were right! Saving resources and being smarter is the key. It’s time for a change in perspective. It’s no longer about production volume, but about time-to-value, efficiency and genuine care. At our core, these principles have guided us since our foundation in 2014. One example is our innovative low-code approach that allows us to expand our platform with greater flexibility, reduced manual efforts, and improved outcomes.

With the right tool in your hands, your sustainability strategy is not just a nice slide on a PowerPoint presentation or a forgotten point in workshop materials. It becomes a live, actionable plan, integrated into your daily operations, in your mission and in your work attitude.

Innovative solutions like ValueMiner make it affordable for all businesses, particularly small and medium enterprises (SMEs), to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. The ambition to foster a more prosperous world for all is no longer a distant dream – it is an attainable reality.

Indeed, businesses cannot succeed in societies that fail. As we cross the halfway point of the 2030 Agenda,

The need for businesses to step up and act is more urgent than ever before. It´s time to take action. Together.

Learn more about how ValueMiner can help you implement your sustainability strategy efficiently with no effort.

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